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St Theodore'sWattle Park |
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Sermon of the Week |
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6/3/05 | ||
Christian Discipline by Camille Lang |
Matt 6:1-18 |
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Well it's official!!!! my personality has been locked in!!! I am an "I". Let me explain I did a personality survey a couple of years ago (and they are always so spot on!!) it was the DISC model. Now the word DISC is an acronym that is the letters standing for different words in this case different personality types. | |
D is for Dominant this is for the vision setter, the one not known at all for their details the big picture person decisive, goal-orientated, the one who takes charge | |
S is for Stability- they are supportive, friendly, co-operative and have a real calming influence | |
C is for Consciousness they are analytical, reserved, with high standards and thorough. | |
And "I" "I" is for Influence this type of person is a people influencer they influence people they are thought to be persuading, enthusiastic, a real team motivator and very optimistic and like dominant are not known for their attention to detail now this might be a surprise to some of you but I suspect the majority of you will pick that I was found to be a pure "I". | |
The dark side that an "I" person needs to be aware and wary of is being too much of a people pleaser that is doing things purely to please others last weekend I was on VCYC (Victoria Christian Youth Convention) and I ran a workshop on Evangelism. Now it was a really large workshop about 45 youth and at that size I found it really difficult to run an interactive workshop and I hadn't prepared very well for a workshop that size. To be perfectly honest it actually didn't go that well. There were only 6 or 7 people responding to my questions and there were many awkward silent periods (which I'm not very comfortable with anyway!!!). That workshop was on the Sat afternoon driving home on Sunday afternoon (that's approx 24hrs later) and what am I thinking about??!!! - the fact that 28 youth responded to the Christian message on Sat night?? | |
The fact that the rest of VCYC was absolutely awesome??? | |
Even the fact that the very last song for the conference was "One way" an awesome song???!! a favourite at St Theo's now that I think about it!! | |
I was not thinking of any of those things Instead what am I'm thinking about??? | |
my workshop did people like it?? Did they walk out saying I can talk to anyone about Jesus and feel confident!!! Did they think that I was just an awesome workshop leader?? And what happens if they didn't oh should I have said this?? Should I have done this differently and on and on the thoughts go around in my head | |
I was dictated by people's opinions | |
When I think of a group who constantly struggles against being dictated by other people my mind automatically jumps to teenagers partly from my own experience (Oh so long ago), partly from my working with youth and partly from various research. It's trying to fit in to wear the right clothes to say the right thing to act the right way to fit in with the crowd | |
Now we adults smile fondly at this and say "Yes I remember that time in my life it was a long time ago". But is it really that long ago?? Have things changed so much since then? When you are talking with your friends about a topic you actually disagree on do you ever find yourself wording your opinion in such a way that it kind of aligns itself with what your friend's opinion is just a half truth actually, it's pretty close to what you actually believe. Do you find yourself changing what you wear because your friend has just given you that look and said "hmmm not so sure but what do you think??!!!" | |
See in the world we live in, we are constantly motivated to do things by what people think. And we also influence people around us. This can be a negative or positive influence. In Hebrews 10:24 the writer states | |
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds". | |
Spurring someone onto love and good deeds is a positive influence. | |
I have been pulled me up many times for not being a very good listener The number of times Rob states "I've told you this already remember??!!!" To which I reply "yeah kind of yeah!!!" And no haven't remembered | |
However I am motivated to change to be a better listener. Rob spurred me onto good deeds. | |
However what I want to think about today are motives that are not pure, or a heart that is deceitful. Just to let you know that I am going to use the terms motives and heart interchangeably. | |
These motives actually go against what your external actions say. | |
I ask you now | |
Are you someone who's actions say one thing and your motives say another? | |
Are you someone who's actions say one thing and your heart says another? | |
Or you might be someone who comes to youth-group and says yeah I'm a Christian but reality might be that you are just saying that to fit in, to please us leaders, be cool at youth group (if there is such a thing??!!) | |
Are you someone who's actions says one thing and your motives say another? | |
What motivates you to come to church each Sunday?? What motivates you to get up when you have had a late night? What motivates you to choose church Sunday after Sunday?? | |
Are you someone who's actions says one thing and your motives say another? | |
Last week you heard that where your treasure is what you seek for in your external actions is where your heart is. Motives and actions are linked our heart or what we value should dictate our we act. | |
If you haven't got your bible open to Matthew I encourage you to open it up | |
Reading from chapter 6 verse 1 | |
" Beware of practicing your piety (or acts of righteousness) before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven". | |
" Beware of practicing your acts of righteousness before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven". | |
Jesus summarizes the next 18 verses in our passage in this first verse. He warns them against a theatrical righteousness, action that are performed in such a way to be noticed. From our passage we see this principle is applied to three areas: | |
Almsgiving which can be another way of saying giving money or helping the poor | |
Prayer And Fasting | |
In verse 2-4 we read when you give money or help the poor you give for the sake of those who are in need you might have given $ to the Tsunami relief so that houses could be rebuilt, for clothing and food maybe you sponsor a child in a third world country to aid in their education when we give to those in need then it's really just between you - the person or people you are giving to and God no-one else | |
so there's no reason to announce it to the world with trumpets instead Jesus says do it in secret and then your Father in Heaven will reward you | |
In verse 5-8 we read The type of prayer Jesus is addressing is about prayer between you and God private prayer It's not actually about corporate prayer or leading other's in prayer.. it's prayer that is addressed to God exclusively in the passage we see the very opposite people are positioned to be noticed on street corners and in the synagogues busy places where people will be bustling about doing their grocery shopping, CD shopping Jesus warns against this saying private prayer stays between you and God so do it in secret and your Father in Heaven will reward you. | |
In verse 16-18 Fasting was a Jewish tradition To fast was to abstain from food for spiritual purposes to fast is to focus on God and God alone. In the bible, most cases of fasting were between the individual and God the author of the book "celebrating disciplines" - Richard Foster states that "fasting must forever centre on God" it is not something to be announced to the world through a look that shows you are starving | |
For those not familiar with the idea of fasting a similar example is the look that can come onto someone's face when they are talking about something holy or praying people can put this look on it's a grave look with a slightly creased forehead shows a proper Christian seriousness to the matter being addressed!!! Instead Jesus says cover it up put oil on your head and wash your face look normal do it in secret | |
and your Father in Heaven will reward you | |
See in Jesus time there were a bunch of religious gurus called the Pharisees and boy were they holy!!! They knew the Scriptures (that was what we know as being the Old Testament) back to front they knew the rules the 10 commandments "remember the Sabbath day" "you shall not murder" "you shall not commit adultery". Listen to Jesus description of them in Matt 23 (if you want to follow along) reading from verse 5......to end of verse 7. They did all their deeds to be seen by others. There motives were to be treated with respect in the marketplaces to have the best seat to have people call them rabbi yet what their external actions said look how holy and godly I am look how I follow all the laws Just look at how darn good I am However listen to Jesus scathing words from verses 13-15. | |
Jesus warns people against a theatrical righteousness one that does external actions simply to be noticed these people will not receive their reward in heaven. | |
A question that is gets asked again and again in youth-group is "How do we get to heaven?" | |
How do we join the party that will last for eternity? | |
How do we hang out with God and everything that is good for all of time? | |
The answer is faith faith in Jesus Christ faith is about a heart that knows, loves and trusts God. And it is from that heart that come actions that serve God and his people. | |
Heart first action second heart first actions second that is the right order. If we get that right we are assured of a reward from our Father in Heaven. | |
However it must be pointed out that the Pharisees were receiving a reward here on earth people did look at them with respect people did think how holy they are people looked up to them In our passage in Matt 6 we see three times "they have received their reward". Both the Pharisees and the people in the passage had received a reward here on earth. And to be honest it's great to feel people's respect it's lovely having people come to you and talk about how good a role-model you are how much you know about the Bible just how wonderful you are | |
At this point please don't hear me say stop encouraging encouragement is a great thing keep encouraging one another | |
But friends if people's opinion is what is driving you, motivating you to talk about serious Christian matters to put morning tea on at church to give the right answers in the Bible studies then you too will be given scathing words when you face Jesus on that last day, when he comes to the judge the world. | |
See God sees our heart 1 Corinthians 4:5 says | |
" wait until the Lord comes (wait until he comes to judge the world) and He (God) will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of people's hearts. At that time each will receive their praise from God" | |
Jesus is warning against a theatrical righteousness, one that does actions to be noticed. He is not impressed by just the external action. People lets get real with God and with others. Let's give up the pretense of acting to impress others. Question yourselves. Why am I doing this? Why am I here today at church? Do I really believe in the claims of Christianity? Am I Christian? Keep reading the Bible, understanding the character of God understanding the person of Jesus Christ understanding how to live in response to God our creator And Pray My own personal prayer for this is that God would reveal my motives and change them. | |
Friends let's get real with God and with others. | |
In all this is not to say that Jesus is not as interested in the giving of money, prayer or fasting but if all they do is put YOU in the spotlight then Jesus says do it in secret | |
When Jesus comes again there will be judgment and reward. For those who have their hearts right with God the right motives they will receive a reward from their Father in Heaven For those who don't have their hearts right with God there will be judgment | |
"Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven, Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers" | |
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